On this week’s episode of Franchise Freedom, we speak with special guest, Aaron McHugh. Aaron is a writer, podcaster, adventurer, and the author of the best-selling book, Fire Your Boss: Discover Work You Love Without Quitting Your Job. He is also mastering the art of living a sustainable work-life balance that constantly interweaves rhythms of play and adventure.
In work, Aaron has covered the spectrum, from humble beginnings selling office supplies door-to-door to ringing the opening day trading bell at the London Stock Exchange. In play, he is an adventurer, Ironman triathlete, and mountaineer, is learning to surf, and recently accomplished a lifelong dream of mountain biking the entire Colorado Trail, from Durango to Denver.
In this episode you will learn:
- Prioritizing people and building relationships
- His book, Fire Your Boss, and learning to lead yourself from the inside out
- His podcast, Work Life Play, and restoring wonder to our lives and our work
- His advice for those considering entrepreneurship
- And more
Connect with Aaron McHugh
Website: https://www.aaronmchugh.com/
Podcast: https://www.aaronmchugh.com/work-life-play-podcast/