Using Your Skills to Build a Network

Franchising Network

On this week’s episode of the Franchise Freedom Podcast, we speak with special guest, Rand Fishkin. Rand is the Co-Founder and CEO of SparkToro, an audience intelligence platform designed to give marketers a deeper understanding of the websites that an audience reads and who that audience follows on YouTube, Twitter, and more. He is also the former Founder of Moz and the author of Lost and Founder: A Painfully Honest Field Guide to the Startup World.

“As you build your skills, use that skill set to offer information and advice and help other people in kind, thoughtful, and giving ways. Through that work that you do, that shows value and shows off your skill set. You’ll earn attention and awareness but also engender trust and familiarity and, hopefully, a real relationship with those people. Those are the people who can help you get your business off the ground, who can be your first customers, who can help you find your first customers, and who can help fund your business or back you,” says Rand.

In this episode you will learn:

  • His book, Lost and Founder
  • The pros and cons of venture capital
  • His advice for those looking to make the transition from career to business
  • And more

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